
Analyze competition

ChatGPT proves itself as a valuable resource for competitive analysis by producing informative and insightful content. By furnishing ChatGPT with pertinent details about your competitors, such as their website, marketing tactics, and product offerings, it can examine the data and generate prompts, questions, and insights, aiding in your comprehension of their strengths and weaknesses.

Agency Pack 🏌️


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Prompt #1


Could you craft a comprehensive and meticulous framework for a specialized agency white paper centered around the topic of [SPECIFIC SUBJECT]? This document should encapsively address the paramount elements within the sector of [YOUR PRECISE INDUSTRY]. To ensure a detailed analysis, it's crucial to incorporate [KEY POINTS] which are deemed significant to this field. The structure of the outline should follow an academic pattern, beginning with an engaging and informative introduction that succinctly presents the topic and its relevance. This should be followed by multiple subheadings, each delving into different aspects of the [SPECIFIC SUBJECT], providing a broad but in-depth perspective. Finally, a conclusion that synthesizes the information presented, emphasizing the key insights and takeaways for the readers, is required. This conclusion should not only summarize the content but also point towards implications and future directions of the field. Each section should reflect a critical understanding of the subject matter, showcasing a balance between theoretical knowledge and practical application in the industry.

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Prompt #2


Can you analyze [COMPANY]'s [PRICING/SALES] strategy compared to its top [NUMBER] competitors [COMPETITOR 1], [COMPETITOR 2], [COMPETITOR 3], [COMPETITOR 4], and [COMPETITOR 5]? Please provide insights on their [PRICING STRUCTURE/DISCOUNTS/PAYMENT OPTIONS].

Prompt #3


Please generate a list of marketing strategies employed by [COMPANY]'s top [NUMBER] competitors [COMPETITOR 1], [COMPETITOR 2], and [COMPETITOR 3], and provide insights on the effectiveness of each strategy.

Prompt #4


Please generate a list of marketing strategies employed by [COMPANY]'s top [NUMBER] competitors [COMPETITOR 1], [COMPETITOR 2], and [COMPETITOR 3], and provide insights on the effectiveness of each strategy.

Prompt #5


What are the top [NUMBER] strengths and weaknesses of [COMPANY]'s [PRODUCT/SERVICE] compared to its main competitor [COMPETITOR]? Please analyze their [CURRICULUM/FACULTY/STUDENT OUTCOMES/OTHER RELEVANT DATA].

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Update the model with new data: If you are asking about a specific company or industry, make sure to provide the model with the most up-to-date information available. This will help ensure that the results are as accurate as possible.
Compare with yourself:** Compare your own company with your competitors and try to identify the areas where you are lacking or where your competitors are doing better. This will help you develop a plan to improve your own business.-Use external data sources, such as industry reports, market research and competitor websites, to get a complete picture of the competitive landscape.-Be clear about specific areas you want to compare, such as pricing, marketing, customer service or product features.