
Providing training and guidelines for chat support

ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for providing training and guidelines for chat support. This AI-powered language model is capable of generating helpful content and tips that can be used to train chat support agents, ensuring that they are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to provide excellent customer service. With ChatGPT, you can create custom templates and prompts that will guide your chat support team through various scenarios, ensuring that they provide accurate and helpful information to your customers.

Support Pack ๐Ÿ’ฌ


Copy a prompt, replace placeholders with relevant text, and paste it at Quel Chat in the right, bottom corner for an efficient and streamlined experience.

Prompt #1


"In your expert opinion, could you elucidate on the prevalent and recurring complications or challenges that our consumer base is encountering while utilizing our product or service? We're particularly interested in understanding the nature and severity of these problems. Please provide a comprehensive and meticulously detailed analysis of these issues, inclusive of the origin and potential impact on the user experience. โ€‹Moreover, could you delineate systematic and clear-cut procedures, instructions or guidelines that can be employed to rectify or troubleshoot these complications effectively? Your response should include, but not be limited to, preventative measures, immediate remedial steps, and long-term strategies to ensure these issues do not reoccur. โ€‹It would be greatly beneficial if you could also shed light on how these troubleshooting methods could enhance the overall user experience and satisfaction levels, thereby increasing customer retention and loyalty towards our product or service."

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Prompt #2


"Provide an example of a [difficult/challenging/complicated] [customer/client] interaction that you have had in the past. How did you [handle/respond] to the situation, and what [steps/actions] did you take to ensure that the [customer/client] was [satisfied/happy/content]?"

Prompt #3


"How do you [handle/respond] a situation where a [customer/client] is [requesting/demanding] a [refund/reimbursement] for a [product/service] that they have [used/experienced] [extensively/frequently]? Please provide a detailed response that includes [company policy/guidelines], as well as [tips/strategies] for handling the situation [effectively/professionally]."

Prompt #4


"How do you ensure that you are providing [accurate/precise] and [helpful/useful] information to [customers/clients], even when you [don't have all the answers/lack information]? Please provide an example of a situation where you had to do this, and the [steps/actions] you took to find a [solution/answer]."

Prompt #5


"What are the [best/good/efficient] [practices/strategies] for handling [multiple/numerous] [customer/client] chats [simultaneously/at the same time]? Please provide [tips/guidelines/strategies] for [prioritizing/chat management/time management], and ensuring that each [customer/client] receives [excellent/satisfactory] [service/support/help]."

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Follow these guidelines to maximize your experience and unlock the full potential of your conversations with Quel Chat.

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You need to buy the Quel Prompt Pack or Quel Plus in order to unlock rest of these Prompts.

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Update the model with new data: If you are asking about a specific company or industry, make sure to provide the model with the most up-to-date information available. This will help ensure that the results are as accurate as possible.
Compare with yourself:** Compare your own company with your competitors and try to identify the areas where you are lacking or where your competitors are doing better. This will help you develop a plan to improve your own business.-Use external data sources, such as industry reports, market research and competitor websites, to get a complete picture of the competitive landscape.-Be clear about specific areas you want to compare, such as pricing, marketing, customer service or product features.